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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  March 2, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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call 1-888-xarelto or visit >> let's wrap it up with a look at the hour's hot shots. look at these, in gaza fishermen collect stingrays. in china, toy soldiers and wolves are on display at a mall. and in tunisia, a student performs the harlem shake. that sit for me, thanks for joining us. the news continues next on cnn.
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>> hi everybody, i'm alina cho in for don lemon. let's get up to speed t the cuts that nobody expected are now in place. president obama signed an order required by law that put in effect, $85 billion in automatic pending cuts. the president and republicans are pointing fingers over their failure to avoid the cuts. we will get an update from washington in just a minute. it's the worst possible news for a family in florida. rescue crews at the site of a sinkhole have called off the search for a man who fell in and was buried two nights ago. the sinkhole is said to be too dangerous and deep and unstable. the hole opened up and swallowed
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the man who was sleeping in his bed at the time. >> venezuela's president is fighting for his life tonight. that is according to the vice president. h hugo chavez was diagnosed with cancer and receiving treatment at a military hospital. cardinals that will choose the next pope are still arriving in rome. they will meet monday morning to set a time to choose the next pope. >> benedict stepped down on thursday after giving a final blessing to thousands of faithful that were gathered. many cardinals met with him before his papacy ended. now back to the top story. those forced government spending
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cuts were designed to be such a terrible option that they were not supposed to be an option at all but now they are. $85 billion in cuts to defense and domestic programs are in place. the president used his weekly address to warn again, of what lies ahead. and cost us jobs. the economists estimate that it could cost us more than 750,000 jobs and slow the economy of one half of 1%. none of this is necessary, it's happening because the republicans in congress chose the outcome over put -- over closing a loophole. >> republicans counter that the president is on a fear campaign and the cuts only happened because of his failure to lead. this debate has not always
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been easy. but making washington confront its spending problem after decades of inaction was never going to be simple. all it will take is for the president and his party to get serious and lead. >> president obama signed the spending cuts order last night as required by law now, washington is bracing for the fallout. we are in washington with more on the cuts and another crisis that is just around the corner. >> alena when you look at the list of where the cuts hit, it makes you realize that no part of the government is spared from food inspection to loan programs for small businesses, to airports to education programs. as for the people who made it happen, well they are blaming each other failing to come together to aleviate the pain that they caused and they never
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intended it to happen. >> the cuts are not smart. they will hurt our economy and cost us jobs and congress can turn them off any time. as soon as both sides are willing to compromise. and in a time when too many of our friends and neighbors are looking for work. it's inexcusable. >> listen, this is not the smartest way to cut spending. that is why last year, the house acted twice to replace the sequester with cuts and mandatory spending. what i call a much smarter, more targeted reductions in spending. i have been over there for 22 years. i have watched presidents of both parties, leaders of both parties, i kicked this can down the road, kick i ht down the ro, kick it down the road and i made up my mind that they would not do it anymore. >> more deadlines are around the corner. march 26th, furloughs from the spending cuts that went into effect last night will start to take effect. that means that workers will be
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forced to stay home without pay. each department or agency will handle it differently. for example, the pentagon, they say that workers will be furloughed one day a week for 22 weeks. now the next deadline to look for is march 27th. the next day. government funding runs out on that day and the government will be shut down unless congress acts. then the next is sometime between mid may and august. the nation will once again hit the debt ceiling and risk defaulting on its debt. and on its loans. republicans in congress will demand spending cuts in exchange for a vote on raising the debt ceiling. now there's a bit of good news. that is the president and the house speaker signaled that they will work hard to make sure that the government does snot shut down. in this climate of grid lock. you do not know. they have different ideas and priorities of how to fund the government. the house is starting to move legislation this week to keep the government running. >> all right, dana bash in
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washington, thank you very much. one prominent republican is not buying the dire predictions over the spending cuts and he is mitt romney. remember him? the former gop president called the cuts an opportunity to help the economy recover. and he blames politics forgettiforge getting in the way. >> this is an opportunity, i look at the seester -- the sequester and the expiring tax cuts to solve the fiscal problems. if we do it, we will be more competitive globally and lead the world in the coming century. it's a huge opportunity, and it's being squandered by politics. by people more interested in a political victory than for doing what is the best thing for the country. the hardest thing about losing is watching this golden moment
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just slip away with politics. >> meanwhile in central florida, disappointed rescue crews made a grim decision tonight, they have called off the search for the man who was swallowed up by a massive sinkhole. happened at this house, not far from tampa, the sinkhole opened up beneath the bed where the bush was sleeping two nights ago. rescuers tried everything to get to him, but today, they decided that it's just too dangerous to keep trying. cnn's john zarella is there for us. john? >> reporter: alena, county officials are wishing they could do more but could not risk more lives and so they ended the search is for the man. no one has been inside the house since last thursday anyway because it was unsafe. what they were doing is they have been around the perimeter of the err area -- of the area and trying to see the dimensions of the sinkhole, it could be 50
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feet deep and no more than 20 feet wide. now what do they do? they move on to demolition, they simply cannot do anything else. they cannot go, in fact, one sinkhole expert talked about how unique this is. >> this is an incredibly unusual kchb condition, i have been doing it for a long time. and i have never seen one like this condition. >> reporter: if there's good news out of this, they do not believe that after doing samples of the soil on this side of the street and down the street, they do not believe that houses beyond the three that were evacuated, they do not believe there's a danger to anyone beyond that. but the people living in the three homes will not be able to go in them ever again. >> thank you, for that report. a fast moving brush fire in florida has shut down interstate 95 and forced the eevacuation of
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300 homes. that blaze, north of daytona beach, it has destroyed a barn and a chicken coop so far, the high winds are fuelling the fire and tomorrow is likely to bring more of the same weatherwise. well a nurse refuses to perform cpr on a woman who collapsed in front of her. >> anybody that works there that is willing to do it? >> or are we just going to let the lady die. >> that is why we are calling 911. >> just ahead the dramatic call. you just is have to hear to believe. plus this. >> a bus full of passengers veers into on coming traffic after the driver blacks out at the wheel, we will show you how it plays out next. [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough.
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>> we want you to look at the video we just got into the newsroom. it shows terrifying moments aboard a bus. take a look. passengers saved the day when the driver passed out while behind the wheel, the women are being called heroes. they took the wheel and brought the bus under control. amazingly no one was seriously hurt and the driver turned out to be just okay. a truck driver is lucky to be alive tonight, his rig crashed
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on a slippery bridge, it happened in waterloo, iowa, take a look at that, wow, he escaped as the cab caught fire, but the flames spread to one of the trailers that plunged over the side to the road below. nobody was hurt. this next story is one that is frankly hard to believe. an elderly woman, unconscious on the floor, needing cpr or she will die, nobody is willing to help. nobody. they say they can't, it's policy. at this senior aassisted living center. >> fire department, what's the address of your emergency please? >> yes, we need someone out at glennwood gardens, she fainted -- >> what is the address? >> it's 1107 tuesday morning. 87-year-old lorane has collapsed
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and she is unconscious and barely breathing. fire and ambulance crews are on the way. it takes about four minutes of question and answer for tracy halverson, the dispatcher to assess the situation. we need to get cpr started. we can't do cpr. >> hand the phone to the passerby if you cannot do it. or if you have citizens there. anybody there can do cpr, give them the phone please. i understand if your facility is not willing to do that. give the phone to that passerby, or that stranger. this woman is not breathing enough, she is going to die if we do not get it started. do you understand? >> i understand. i am a nurse. but i cannot have our other senior citizens who don't know cpr -- i will instruct them. >> i will instruct them. is there anyone -- >> i cannot do that.
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i don't know why you are not willing to help the patient. >> i am. >> great, then i will walk you through it all. ems taking the ability for this. i'm happy to help you. it's protocol. >> can you get -- right away? i don't know where he is. but she is yelling at me and saying that we have to have one of the other residents perform cpr. and she will instruct and i'm not going to do that. and make that call. >> is there anybody that works there that is willing to do it? >> we can't -- >> or -- are we just going let the lady die? >> that is why we are calling 911. >> we can't wait. she want indicate right now. she is stopping breathing. she can't wait for them to get there. >> 5 minutes in the call. she remains untouched and barely breathing on the diner room floor. >> he says we couldn't. they are refusing cpr, they are going to let her die. >> by the facility.
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yeah. >> when will the fire department be here? when will -- >> they are coming as quick. they have been on the way all this time but we cannot wait, this lady is going to do die. >> yeah. >> okay. well then, if -- if you get anybody any stranger that happens to walk by that is willing to work. i understand if your boss is telling you can't do it. if there's any -- as a human being i don't -- you know, is there anybody that is willing to help this lady and not let her die? >> not at this time. >> a little more than 7 minutes after the glennwood gardens dialed 911, the woman is taken to the hospital where she later died. we went to glennwood gardens and asked why the staff did not try to save the patient. they said it's the policy that staff does not attempt cpr. he said the policy is in place because it's not a nursing facility. it's an independent living facility. and there are no nurses on staff to provide assistance and
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residents are made aware of this when they move in the building. yet there was a nurse on scene after the woman collapsed. he would not explain that. he issued a statement that said in part, in the event of a health emergency at this independent living community our practice is to call emergency medical personnel for assistance and to wait with the individual needing attention until such personnel arrives. that is the protocol we followed. as we in any incident involving a resident, we will conduct a internal review of the matter but we have no comments at this time. the staff is supposed to call for assistance during an emergency. and that is exactly what they did. >> all right. thank you very much. and the world of prostitution, anyone can be a recruit or a target. and now, we are learning that social media is a big part of the problem. we will explain next.
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>> welcome back, it's 21 minutes after the hour, as parents watched their daughters become young women, many never lose that cold hollow fear that sits in their gut every time they leave the house. social media has changed lives in many ways, even introducing young women to the world of prostitution. we explain. >> reporter: it started with a friend request on facebook. my mentality was, he is cute. let me accept him. and then once i accepted him, he would message me. >> reporter: they quickly developed a relationship. >> i thought he really liked me and we were going to live in fairy tale life together. >> reporter: what she got was a nightmare. >> he pretty much was like i'm going put you outside and you are going to walk and catch dates. i was okay with it because i liked him. well, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.
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wanted to have kids, he really made it believable. >> reporter: in a mouse click, nina was a growing number of victims recruited to traffic on social networks. the other end of a friend request, a pimp. >> i have been beaten with a pistol. i have been duct taped and put in a closet for 24 hours. >> the money part. i wanted to money, that is why i did it. >> reporter: lisa was trafficked for much of her life, she is free now, but still receives more than 20 messages a day from pimps. >> wassup with you boo. >> reporter: pimps are using different social networks to do everything to connect and brag about money. >> almost all the girls that we are working with now, age 11 to 22, they are being recruited online. it's facebook. it's tagged. which a lot of people do not know, it's a creepy facebook and
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twitter, actually, instagram to a smaller agree. >> reporter: this organization locates and rescues women trafficked like nina. >> pimps look for girls that look isolated. girls who are dressed -- >> minors will friend people whether they know them or not, just to appear to be popular. and somebody who is a pimp can use that information to start looking at what makes a person tick. >> reporter: pimps were doing exactly that in virginia's fairfax county. revealed in a major 2012 case. gang members were using social networking sites like facebook to solicite womens. one sent 800 invites on facebook. >> i used to have to sit next to my expimp and help him recruit
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girls. >> reporter: those same pages used to recruit are used to rescue. >> i can go in and see who liked him. that can lead me to look for girls that look like they need help. >> reporter: they say that facebook reacts swiftly. they take human trafficking seriously and has built systems to flag and block material. said it has many tech and educational tools to em power and protect individuals. nina and lisa, whose names were changed to protect the identities are both still in the social networks where they were recruited. nina said she is no longer looking for a boyfriend on facebook. >> more pimps tell you the same thing. you kind of get the clue. and you know, life is not a fairy tale. >> reporter: lisa starts school, when she enrolls she plans to log out of facebook for good.
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lori joins me now, it's an incredible story. it's safe to say that most kids know their way around social media and computers better than parents do. how do they protect their children? >> reporter: you said it right there, many parents are not on facebook and this is not technology that they grew up with. you know, so we spoke to the fbi, they have a tip sheet and the -- one of the number one things they say is make sure if you are a parent, educate yourself on facebook and twitter, you know how your children are using the services and they say, put the computer in the living room. it may not be that popular at home, if you put it in the living room, you are going to monitor better. go through, go through those privacy settings and have a conversation, tell your children, don't accept a friend request from a stranger. it's a conversation that needs to happen. this is a growing problem, and
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we do not know the scope of it. it's becoming relevant and it's happening on the networks. >> wow, put your computer in the living room. it's a simple thing and it could help. thank you so much. >> reporter: thank you. >> $85 billion, that is how much the government has to slash in federal spending. military, education, transportation. the irs, they will all be effected. some worry it could be enough to send the u.s. back no recession. we will have a reality check we will have a reality check next.. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. now that's a pill worth taking. [ male announcer ] ocuvite. help protect your eye health. [ male announcer ] we all have something neatly tucked away
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>> president obama has been w p warning for weeks about the dire consequences of the spending cuts how they effect things like the overall economy, and he repeated those warnings in his weekly address. >> as a nation, we fought back from the worst economic crisis in our lifetimes and we will get through it too. at a time when our businesses are gaining traction. hiring new workers and bringing back jobs to america. the last thing that washington should do is get in the way. that is what the cuts to education, defense and research will do. it's unnecessary and in a time when too many of our friends and neighbors are still looking for work. it's inexcusable. >> the president paints a dire picture, but could the cuts tip the economy back to a recession. we have more from washington. >> this is the key question, if you take $85 billion out of the
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discretionary spending. just the spending, is that enough to tip our economy in to a big problem. because you think it's a kind of small number. is that enough though to create another recession? let's look at the evidence and see what we can find. gross domestic product was not growing much at the end of last year. it's moved up a tiny, tiny bit. not enough to make it a positive indicator. but not low enough to call it a negative right now. so we will call it sort of neutral. employment we know has been a problem. it has not been getting worse. but it also has not been getting better at a very fast rate. that is another neutral. housing though in the country can. housing has been a very bright spot lately. so we will make it green. so in all of the possible indicators of what would deed -- define us moving to the positive
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margin. in the end, most analysts say what it adds up to is probably note a recession. we may have more difficulty economic times, and things could slow down a bit more, but it seems unlikely that we will move backward. we will keep crawling slowly, slowly forward with our economy. >> thank you very much. and coming up, watch this. >> raise your hand if you have been in jail more than once. more than twice? three times. >> we will take you inside a tennessee jail where the cells are so over crowded many prisoners are sleeping on the floor. and it's all because these inmates can't kick their addiction to pain pills. it's next. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting.
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>> pills meant to numb pain are destroying women's lives. it's happening in tennessee. where prescription drug abuse is
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skyrocketing in that state. jails over crowded with female addicts trying to kick the dangerous habit. >> we spent a night inside the tennessee jail talking with the young women caught in the trap of prescription drug abuse. ♪ ♪ just a few more weary days now ♪ ♪ fly away ♪ to a home where you're -- i'll fly away ♪ >> hey, hey, hey. every day. this is what we do. we sit around and talk to each other and sing songs and play cards. basically a normal day. >> cell block six. >> put a little on her. >> where toothpaste goes on the eyes. and doritos on the cheeks. >> i don't know. you can do it on my cheeks or
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eyes. >> we do it with a dorito. >> a new normal for the young women lockup in east tennessee. >> to give you a sense of how bad it is here, people here are more likely to die from overdosing on drugs than they are from homicide or from car crashes. we are heading into the clark county jail here and we will spend much of tonight with female inmates. >> sheriff, thank you. >> hello. so, how many women in jail tonight. >> right now, 49. >> and how many of them in some way related to prescription drugs. >> a guess, 95% of them are in here for prescriptions drugs. >> open up cell six. >> these women have been here anywhere from a month to a year and counting. as soon as we say other hellos. our cameras fog up, the eight women double bunked in the cramped quarters have all showered.
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the shower -- >> yep. >> there's eight bunks in here but a lot of nights they have four or five more women that sleep on these mats on the floor and that is sort of the norm here, it's the reality these days of over crowding, especially of the female population. >> what do you call it out there? >> the outside. >> the streets. >> you want to be on the streets. >> yeah. >> in the streets of newport, tennessee, it's the pill trade that is driving crime. they went down that fast, it's done. >> it's done? >> yeah. >> they made the buy. got sights on it. >> the buy has happened and now apparently the woman selling the pills is heading out of town so they are trying to catch her driving pretty fast to catch her. and see if they can pull her over for any traffic violations and see how many pills she has on her. the sheriffs' two cars there are on their way. we just let them pass us.
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the woman they pull over is 47. and tells the officers she has been abusing prescription drugs since she was 14. >> the drug buy that they just busted her on, she sold two of the oxycodone pills for $35 a pop. she has been taking them and selling some to feed the addiction. >> how frequent is it to have women involved in this? >> more frequently than men? >> more than men? really? >> yes. >> females hide the pills better than men. females are good at hiding stuff. >> yes, it's me again. have not seen you in a while. just keep going with me. you are fine. >> this will be the 13th time she will be back in the jail. >> raise your hand if you have been in jail more than once? more than twice? three times? four times?
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five? six? seven? eight? you think eight times? and you are all under 33 years old? >> yes. most of the foe mail population is -- female population is in here for drug probation violation. >> how many of you have sold physical description drugs illegally? half of you. >> charlie ray. >> 20-year-old brittney promises me her fifth time in jail will be her last. she shows me her three-year-old son and her belly. she is eight months pregnant. and already having contractions? >> you are going to have your daughter in jail? >> hm-mm. yeah. >> is that hard for you? >> yeah. but you are clean, right? >> almost five months. >> that's great.
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>> she said she used to pop three or four roxies a day. >> i don't know how to put it. i used to try to hide the pain all the time. >> right. >> because i went through a lot as a kid and i was raped when i was younger and molested and beaten as a child. >> brittney, like most of the women in cell six and more than half of all prescription drug abusers started using after getting the pills from a friend or a family member for free. >> once you are so addicted you will do whatever you have to do to maintain, to be normal. >> do you that? >> yes. >> what did you do? >> theft, aggravated burglary. >> i could not get up and fix breakfast if i did not have one -- >> you did not feel normal. >> no, you cannot do anything without them, they destroy everything -- >> in their path. >> they take everything. >> the pill problem is so bad in
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tennessee that some of the jails have seen a 300% increase in female inmates t 300%. so, what is being done to combat that state's pill problem? we will have the second part of the story when we come back. ts with services... like helping hr departments manage benefits and pensions for over 11 million employees. reducing document costs by up to 30%... and processing $421 billion dollars in accounts payables each year. helping thousands of companies simplify how work gets done. how's that for an encore? with xerox, you're ready for real business.
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flowing with women hooked on pills. we spoke with a inmate named brittney, eight months pregnant and nearly five months clean. she is not alone, sister is in the cell next door. >> right through this wall, your sister is? >> yeah. >> we are twins. >> you are twins? >> approximaeight minutes apart. if i beat three times that means i love you. see. i love you too. that the what it means. >> oh. throughout the night, i get to know these women. and the demons of their addictions. what was the lowest of the low for you guys? what was the moment where you feel like i hit bottom? >> my kids. having them at somebody else's house. and i'm not there for their
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kindergarten graduations. this will be the first holiday without my kids. >> because of what? >> because i'm an addict. >> here are the women that spent time with, i have been with them, they have been here three, four, five, six, seven times. >> yes. >> it's not rehabilitation, is it? >> no. it's not. what it is is, it is an opportunity to keep them in a secure facility that you try to keep them clean. >> why do you think so many more women here in jail? >> that is a good question for everybody. you know, i think a lot of it is they are easily influenced by these guys that they are meeting and these people that are out there using. >> chief. >> good morning. >> nice to meet you. thank you for having us. >> nice to meet you, ma'am. >> more than half of tennessee's 100 county jails are over crowded and that includes
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anderson county jail just outside of knoxville. >> you have women sleeping on the floor. a lot of women sleeping on the floor. how many women are in here for prescription drug abuse? >> over 90%. and we have only got 48 beds and today i have 66 females and this year, a couple months ago, i had 97. >> and that is not abnormal? >> no. no. i mean over the last ten years we've had a 300% increase in average daily population in females? >> 300%? and they can't build their way out of the problem. a year from now, you will have 200 plus more beds? >> our capacity from 1994 was 166 beds and next november we will have 166 beds. >> you think you will fill them up? >> no question. >> this is costing the community
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here ten million dollars, it's something that taxpayers cannot afford, but it's something they have to do, because they cannot have them sleeping on the floor. ♪ >> good luck. thank you for being so open and welcoming us. okay. good night. >> good night. ♪ such an emotional story, and well done. it is clear there's a big problem here with pain pill addiction and it's clear that these women are sleeping on floors and as you say, they cannot build their way out of this problem. so, what is the state doing if anything to try to fix it?
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>> they are taking a few steps and i will get to it in a moment. but the bottom line is, addicted women tell us it's so much easier for them to get prescription pills and pop those pills than it is to get in treatment. often they try to get help. the waiting list to get in treatment centers in tennessee is months long. there are not enough treatment clinics so they face that. in terms of what the state is doing. pain clinics have to register with the state, so they are more closely monitored. and also, pharmacists have to basically cross check any prescriptions that they give out with a historical database. a problem in a state like tennessee is that it borders eight other states and states do not share information so someone can cross over state lines and get more pills. >> interesting. i did not think about that. >> yeah, i was moved by the young woman that you focused on. brittney who at the time was eight months pregnant. >> yeah. >> she has had her baby now, how
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is she -- how is she doing? >> she is in treatment and she is doing very, very well. she had a beautiful little girl. look at her there with her son and her little girl. her grandmother said they are doing very, very well. when she is out of treatment, she will try to get custody of her 3-year-old son back and she told me that night in prison. she said the way i look at this is i now have a second chance at life. and so, we are rooting for her, i look forward to talking to her when she gets out of rehab in may. we are rooting for all of them. this problem is not being addressed correctly and there needs to be more focused on it. >> it's great to see brittney in happier times with that newborn baby. thank you so much. coming up, the city of detroit, so broke the state could take over. you will hear from detroit's mayor about this when we come back. the state could take over.
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you're going to hear from detroit's mayor about this when we come back. ♪ if you have high cholesterol, here's some information that may be worth looking into. in a clinical trial versus lipitor, crestor got more high-risk patients' bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. getting to goal is important, especially if you have high cholesterol plus any of these risk factors because you could be at increased risk for plaque buildup in your arteries over time. and that's why when diet and exercise alone aren't enough to lower cholesterol i prescribe crestor. [ female announcer ] crestor is not right for everyone. like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking.
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if you looked at the quality to citizens, it's ranked amongst the worst. went from the top to the bottom over the last 50, 60 years. >> detroit's mayor says the state is to blame. >> the state has not been as good to detroit as i think they should have been because we lose revenue sharing based on our population loss. and so there's just a myriad of things right now, and most of it revolves around revenue. and, you know, we can't kwut our
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way back out of this problem. i think we've cut as much as we can cut. we've got to think about how we can raise revenue again. >> detroit maz ten days to appeal the governor's declaration. if the city files for bankruptcy, it would be the largest municipal bankruptcy in u.s. history. and you thought you've gotten angry or a missed flight. airport outrage next. it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between
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>> you go to the airport, you miss your flight, what do you do? tip, don't follow this guy's lead. here's cnn's jeanne moos. >> reporter: fasten your seat belt. extreme turbulence ahead. a chinese executive traveling with his family missed not one but two flights. and when he, his wife and his two sons weren't allowed to board after missing the second's flight boarding announce. what went flying was computer equipment. >> watch a chinese official go nuts. >> and watch bystanders back off. get me away from this guy, who turned out to be the vice chairman of a state-run mining company and an adviser on a chinese political committee. not to mention an expert desk kicker, though that might have hurt. he definitely meant to hurt the glass doors leading to the airpla airplane. and when he couldn't break througe